Private Rogue (Private, #16) (2024)


2,980 reviews25.5k followers

June 12, 2021

This, along with the previous book in the Private series, are written by James Patterson and Adam Hamdy, featuring Jack Morgan who runs the cutting edge global Private detective agency. This addition picks up from where the last one left off. Jack and Justine have rekindled their relationship, but he has still not gotten over the trauma of previous events, and has been taking a more management role in Los Angeles, rather than getting involved hands on in any case. This situation is about to change as he takes on what appears to be a straightforward case from a client, Donald Singer, a distraught father whose daughter, Beth, is missing, along with her two children, Danny and Maria, in upstate New York. An American special operations team undertake a secret mission in Nuristan, Afghanistan, which goes spectacularly wrong, resulting in almost everyone involved tragically being killed.

However, there is one survivor, the pilot Floyd, who manages to escape the Osprey crash site in the deadly frozen, wintry mountainous region of the Hindu Kush, only to find himself being hunted down by ruthless Russian mercenaries, who seem to want to capture him alive. Beth may be a mother now, but she is a ex-military woman, so when her vehicle is stopped by a couple of sinister looking police officers that do not look right, she escapes with her children, only to find a drone has followed them to their place, leaving her no choice but to go on the run to find a safe place to hide out in. However, whoever is hunting her down is well organised, dangerous, extremely well resourced and not going to give up. When Jack discovers he is being used and manipulated, he becomes aware of the connection between his case, and that of a missing, presumed dead, American pilot in Afghanistan.

This is a fast paced, action packed thriller with short, snappy chapters, packed with oodles of suspense and tension. It is a gripping read, although you will have to suspend your sense of disbelief to fully enjoy the entertaining thrill ride. I have only read two books in the series, this and the previous one, but already I am enjoying the returning characters, such as Maureen Roth, aka Mo-bot, the ace computer geek, Seymour Kloppenberg, the chief criminologist, and particularly the Private Moscow duo of Danita Orlova and Leonid Boykov. This is for those of you who enjoy high octane thrillers and for other crime and mystery fans. Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.

    crime-fiction mystery netgalley


4,099 reviews12.9k followers

October 21, 2021

Another collaborative effort by James Patterson and Adam Hamdy proves to be quite entertaining for the reader, as the Private series continues. Jack Morgan has built a strong detective agency the world over, though he is still happiest at home in Los Angeles. When a wealthy man comes to his offices and asks for his help, personally, Morgan cannot refuse, travelling to New York to begin the search for a woman and her children. What follows will take him to the far corners of the earth and test his resolve. A fast-paced story that keeps the reader intrigued throughout.

It was just another day for Jack Morgan and his team in Los Angeles, when a man of some means entered Private headquarters. He told a story of his missing daughter and grandchildren, who were somewhere in upstate New York, begging for help. While Private did not usually assist in simple missing person cases, there was something about this one that left Morgan feeling as though he ought to help.

Choosing to personally take on the case, Morgan flew to New York and began the hunt, alongside one of his Private New York colleagues. Searching and trying to be inconspicuous, Morgan was able to locate the family, only to discover that those searching for them have another motive. It would appear that the father figure of the group was on a covert mission in Afghanistan and may have something this group wants for their own.

Never one to bow to the pressure, Morgan made his way across the world to the deserts of Afghanistan’s to find a military pilot who may have all the answers, while also trying to stay one step ahead of a ruthless gang. It was a battle of survival, with a mission to reunite a family safely. A great addition to the Private series.

While James Patterson has often spread himself too thin in his writing, this was an exception to the rule. Working alongside Adam Hamdy, Patterson is able to elevate his series and keep the Private name on the level of some of the other strong series bearing his name. Great action, decent characters, and an entertaining plot, Patterson and Hamdy have great collaborative effort.

Jack Morgan takes centre stage in this piece, something that he does not usually do in the novels. His backstory is known to series fans, though there are some added elements here that can help intrigue the series reader. Decent development, both in a personal and professional sphere, keeps the reader in tune with how he works as a character and provides some needed depth to keep the series going.

Patterson and Hamdy work well to keep the story moving along and have decent narrative development throughout. The plot works well in this piece, allowing the reader to push forward with ease. Perhaps a few overused themes (Afghanistan, Russian operatives), but they worked well and did not get too clunky for my liking. This series flows well, though the interconnectedness of the novels is more the Private thread, than an ongoing storyline throughout. With Jack Morgan in the central role, there is more cohesiveness to the overall series, though reading any of the books as a standalone would not ruin things. I look forward to more of these stories soon.

Kudos, Messrs. Patterson and Hamdy, on a great effort. Your collaborative work is quite strong and I hope to see more of it.

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Mandy White (mandylovestoread)

2,362 reviews676 followers

June 13, 2021

Private Rouge is book 16 - what?? I was really shocked when I saw that. The Private series featuring Jack Morgan is always a an action packed thrill ride and I always look forward to the next adventure. James Patterson never fails to hook me in and this was another of his books that I stayed up way too late to regrets. No secret that James Patterson is a favourite author of mine and always will be.

Jack's reputation is that of the best - and everybody wants the best.. Donald Singer is desperate to find his daughter and grandchildren and begs Jack to take on the job. They have gone missing and are in danger. Meanwhile, a marine pilot is shot down in Afghanistan and while he escapes the crash he soon discovers that he is being hunted by Russian mercenaries.

It is non stop action and I couldn't read it fast enough. Thanks so much to Random House UK for my advanced copy of this book to read.

    james-patterson net-galley z-read-in-2021


502 reviews50 followers

March 22, 2024

I am a reader of most the books written (at least co-written to some degree) by James Patterson. I would not necessarily call myself a huge fan because I consider his plots to be a bit formula driven, predictable, and not necessarily challenging to read. However, I tend to find him to be a quick and easy read with some of the books and series better than others. He is my escape author that provides a nice two to three-day distraction.

His "Private" series used to be one of my favorite series of his, but he hasn’t written as many in the last several years in North America. “Private Moscow” was the last back in 2022. Now in 2024, “Missing Persons” has been published for the first time in North America, which was previously published as “Private Rogue” in the UK back in 2021. Maybe the sales for this series are better in Europe. Who knows…

I really enjoyed reading “Private Moscow” which was also co-written with Adam Hamdy, and found it be both under-rated and one of the better books in the “Private” Series. I feel the same way about this year’s “Missing Persons” which continues the professional and personal storylines of two of the key “Private” characters – Jack Morgan and Justine Smith. The aftermath of the events from the last book flowed smoothly into this one and combined with a solid political thriller/mystery that was a good mixture of Tom Clancy, David Baldacci, and Jason Bourne.

Patterson stuck with his standard two-mystery plot line running parallel throughout the first two-thirds of the book, which turned out be connected in interesting and complex ways. The first mystery involves a military mission in Afghanistan where a helicopter is suddenly shot down, leaving the mission team and pilots under severe attack and trying to find a way to survive.

At the same time, a second mystery is taking place in Los Angelese, where Jack Morgan has returned home and trying to recover physically from his time in Russia. However, he doesn’t get long to recoup and reengage in his personal relationship with Justine, when a wealthy businessman enters Private’s home office and requests personal help. His daughter and two grandchildren have disappeared, and he’s been told that Jack is just the right person to find them. Jack tries to hand it off to his team, but the businessman insists on Jack handling it personally, and finally accepts because of Justine encouraging him to.

Things quickly go back for Jack and his team as the hunt for the missing woman and her children becomes much more than a normal missing persons situation. Jack finds she is being pursued by seriously dangerous men who are highly trained and fully armed with the latest in weapons and technology. Before he knows it, Jack will be in more danger than he could have ever imagined, and his team will also be facing life threatening attacks that not everyone will survive. This may be turning out to be Jack’s last mission ever…

I am usually fairly critical of Patterson’s books since his extremely high-volume of output and large stable of co-writers brings some inconsistencies and repetitive plotting at times. However, for me, this was definitely one of Patterson’s better thrillers. The plotlines were tight and well-thought out. More complex than expected. The characters were more three-dimensional than usual for a Patterson novel. Also, there was some time spent in Afghanistan, which enhanced the storytelling with location, cultural, and history that added nuances and depth. I also enjoyed the bad guys in this book. They were formidable and strong, staying steps ahead of the Private team most of the way, and serving as strong and worthy adversaries for our protagonists.

As I have said in many of my Patterson authored reviews, as long as you suspend your disbelief of some situations of reality, this was a captivating read. Just ignore things like surviving a massive military blast into the mountainside you’re standing on, and you’re in for a suspenseful and fun ride.

Overall, this was another under-rated “Private” novel that provided some real sense of drama and tension for Jack and his team. It is rare when I have less than a 100-pages left and I am still trying to figure out how in the heck Jack is going to get out of his dire situation, but this was one of them. It drew me in and was definitely worth the three-day distraction.

Having really enjoyed these last two “Private” novels, I am starting to think that Patterson’s co-author – Adam Hamdy – may have something to do with the strong storylines and improved character development. Both of those elements are a key strength of both novels. I seriously hope to get another “Private” outing at some point in the future. Please, Mr. Patterson, bring Jack and his team back again for more adventures, and please co-author it with Adam Hamdy because he is a worthy co-author who truly understands each of the “Private” investigators in a way that brings life into their characters, strengths, and outcomes.

Natalie M

1,205 reviews60 followers

September 15, 2021

A solid 3.5 star read.

Better than some of the ‘Private’ series and a fair amount of character development occurs for key players in this instalment.

The usual high-tech, elaborate crime-fighting. It’s a real ‘green screen’ read! A nice addition to a solid, long-running Paterson series. Now there’s a sentence I don’t get to write about a Paterson series very often!

Aniruddha M

191 reviews19 followers

August 31, 2021

An aborted rescue mission in Afghanistan where only the helicopter pilot manages to escape… He now has to trudge over rugged inhospitable terrain, amidst hostile people to the border of Pakistan for any hope of rescue!
Far away in upstate New York, a young woman and her two children are chased and hunted, she doesn’t even know why. As she vanishes, her father approaches Jack Morgan of Private Investigations to help find her and her children. Are the two incidents related? How??

Please read my detailed review from the link below:

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Michael crage

1,070 reviews5 followers

April 18, 2024

This was another Private novel. Prival was one of th top investigative companies in the world. The main person in this novel was The top man of Private, Jack Morgan. A wealthy man asked Jack to find his daughter and two grandchildren. Jack had been involved in an event in Moscow which had ended very badly and he was still havibg nightmares about it. He had not been taking any of the cases Private got for some time and thought that a simple search casewould be a good one to get back into working cases. It turned oiut to be anything but a simple case. When Jack found the daghter, he found her being persued by some people that were very well trained. It turned out that she was married to helicopter pilot in the service, and marriage had been kept secret because of the sensative nature of her husbands actions. And he had disappeared also.

Elaine Tomasso

3,200 reviews62 followers

May 29, 2021

I would like to thank Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for an advance copy of Private Rogue, the sixteenth novel to feature Jack Morgan, owner of the Private investigation company.

Jack is contacted by Donald Singer and begged to find his daughter, Beth, and grandchildren who went missing the day before in upstate New York. At the same time a marine pilot is shot down in Afghanistan and while he escapes the crash he soon finds himself pursued by Russian mercenaries. Jack ends up back in Afghanistan to save Beth.

I thoroughly enjoyed Private Rogue, which is an action packed thriller with an international setting and an interesting motive. The narrative is split three ways between the pilot in Afghanistan and his efforts to evade capture, Beth and her efforts to evade capture in New York and Jack’s efforts to save them all and work out what is worth killing for.

The novel is very evenly paced as it’s high octane, tense and thrilling throughout. It does require a certain suspension of disbelief as the characters not only escape certain death on several occasions but have the nous to fight back, but then, that’s vintage Patterson. Why let a little reality get in the way of constant thrills and spills? On the other hand, Russian mercenaries and spies running an operation against Americans is not as outlandish a proposition as it might have been 10 years ago. I’m not going to pretend that I understand the science underpinning the motive, don’t know if it’s possible and don’t really care, but I can grasp the importance of it. Thank goodness the reveal doesn’t come until near the end of the novel and the authors don’t dwell on it.a brief mention is enough so that it doesn’t detract or distract from the general mayhem.

I think Mr Patterson has upped his game by collaborating with Mr Hamdy. The series seems more mature and readable in his hands. I like the prose and the smooth way the novel segues from one voice to another. It makes for an all round better read that is very immersive.

Private Rogue is a good read that I read in one sitting, so I have no hesitation in recommending it.

LianaReads blog

2,487 reviews216 followers

August 15, 2021

There’s a reason why James Patterson is named the world’s bestselling author and he proves it more and more with each story that has his name on it.
Private Rogue is no exception from the norm. Everything you may expect is there between the pages of this book. From a n intriguing start to this story to a full fast paced gripping game of hide and seek and even catch me if you can, this novel had me engrossed so much in the action that I barely took a break until I finished reading the last page.
Great writing, captivating story and characters that have more to give than the eye can see.

Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy.

Mary Drayer

1,284 reviews7 followers

March 19, 2024

The “Private” series continues…even with book #16! Jack Morgan, created a global-state of the art private investigation service and his team will need “all hands on deck” with his latest job… missing woman/ daughter and her two kids…but like any Patterson book the twists and turns start on the ensuing pages. Enjoy


554 reviews43 followers

July 11, 2021

Just from the start I was completely hooked with the story. It is perfect action packed, full with twists and turns that don't leave you to stop reading. I had to see what will happen in the next chapter and than in the next one too... I stayed up all night just because of that. James Patterson and Adam Hamdy wrote a perfect instalment, maybe the best one so far of the Private series. I loved seeing old characters reappearing from previous instalments. I highly recommend it to all fast paced thrillers and for other crime and mystery fans


2,086 reviews11 followers

May 31, 2024

An action packed fast read with Jack Morgan taking the lead In this one.
There are two plots and both are exciting . Jack is hired to find a mother and
Her two children while her husband was shot down in Afghanistan. There is
Tension, murder, mystery and short chapters with a good cast. This is a
Series I recommend.


1,073 reviews3 followers

February 9, 2024

3.5 rounded up…good but a bit over the top in places


2,177 reviews82 followers

March 30, 2024

Action pack.ed...good one

    borrowed kindle-audio library


226 reviews3 followers

August 10, 2021

This is book sixteen in the Private series and I have read all fifteen previous books in sequential order and I think this is the best one by far.
Jack will need to face the trauma of his past to save a family's future.
The Private series features Jack Morgan, who runs the Private, a global detective agency. It was great that this book picks up straight from where we left off at the end of book fifteen and I was also pleased when Jack and Justine rekindled their relationship. Jack has to face demons from his past that he thought he had left behind so even though he is still involved with the agency, has taken on more of a behind the scenes roll and is spending less time in the field. This changes though when he decides to help a client. Donald Singer is a distraught father whose daughter Beth, and her children, Danny and Maria go missing in upstate New York. Jack thinks that this is a straight forward missing persons case, but boy, is he wrong!
It’s an edge of your seat roller-coaster ride from start to finish. With cutting edge problems that are easy to believe that really could happen, but thankfully, the team at Private are more than capable of dealing with. The team have to travel the globe fighting more than just 1 enemy and you don’t know who you can trust...
I stayed up way too late reading this book, the classic, just one more page / chapter as I was just so immersed in the storyline, the characters and the setting. I don’t mind admitting that it also might have something to do with James Patterson being one of my favourite authors too.
I highly recommend this spine tingling, fast paced thriller of a book to basically anyone who loves reading, and I can’t wait for book seventeen in the series.
Thank you to Netgalley and Random House UK for an eARC in return for an honest review.

Audrie Keane

9 reviews

May 30, 2022

Very predictable

Wasnt the best read quite disappointing


519 reviews17 followers

July 21, 2021

What a brilliant read!
I'm fast becoming a big fan of Adam Hamdy! This was really a great collaboration. The story was fast-paced and action-packed and it kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.

"Bravery wasn't the absence of fear; it was action taken in the face of it."

A mission into Pakistan ends in tragedy when everyone bar the pilot Captain Joshua Floyd is killed. He's got to try and get to safety while the Russians are hunting him and everyone home thinks he's dead.
In America, it is just another ordinary day for Beth and her kids until someone tries to get to them and they must go on the run.
Cue our hero Jack Morgan from Private. He is tasked to find them but who can he trust? What are the Russians up to and what is the meaning of the Bul?

I loved every minute of this book that I finished in 1 sitting!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.


554 reviews43 followers

July 11, 2021

Just from the start I was completely hooked with the story. It is perfect action packed, full with twists and turns that don't leave you to stop reading. I had to see what will happen in the next chapter and than in the next one too... I stayed up all night just because of that. James Patterson and Adam Hamdy wrote a perfect instalment, maybe the best one so far of the Private series. I loved seeing old characters reappearing from previous instalments. I highly recommend it to all fast paced thrillers and for other crime and mystery fans

Dante Serrano

2 reviews

May 29, 2024

James Patterson is a f*cking OG. I can’t cap, that’s my guy for real. Little did I know, that I was reading the 16th book in the series, this sh*t still had me on the edge of my seat. I almost edged myself. This was so intense. I really loved how you got the perspectives of everybody throughout the story, it gave a sense of connection to each character. There were so many unexpected twists and turns my jaw dropped plenty of times. Overall, completely recommend this book for someone who likes thrillers. 10 out of f*cking 10.


2,335 reviews23 followers

April 12, 2024

Whenever I'm in the mood for a classic good guys-bad guys melodrama, the Patterson writer's factory can produce products to fill the bill...The "Jack Morgan, Private Series IS one such series...Morgan is a former Marine and CIA operative that established Private, a renowned private investigation company with branches around the globe...In "Missing Persons," Morgan and Private are scammed into tracking down a wife and mother, as well as her children, of a Spec Ops pilot missing in Afghaniston...Good guys win and I love it!!!

    current-affairs investigative military

Khurshid Ali

535 reviews1 follower

August 14, 2021

I am a very big fan of James Patterson and love his books. I admire the way he can create characters that we want to know more about.

In Private Rogue we got a tiny glimpse of Jacks time in the marines and an Insight to the detective he has become. I love how James has shown Jack to be humble and has allowed him to have a love life.

I would love to see James write a book on Justine and Jacks relationship in his unique fashion.

Vanessa Menezes

465 reviews157 followers

July 16, 2022

The Private series is one of my favourite series of James Patterson, so obviously excited to read this one and I wasn't disappointed.

The plot keeps better as the series progresses and this has to be one of my favourites. It filled with twists and turns and you won't be able to stop reading until you finish.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House UK for this ARC!!


Les Johnston

111 reviews1 follower

August 22, 2021

Another great story in one of my favourite series


499 reviews

March 27, 2022

Huge fan of the Private series but this was a bit muddled at times. Still enjoyed it though .


792 reviews42 followers

May 16, 2022

Not as strong as the last one but still enthralling enough


António Quelhas

7 reviews2 followers

July 2, 2022

Não é mau de todo!!! Mas tipo é um policial best seller how good can it get. Mas I enjoyed it, li em dois dias!

Patricia DiMaria

9 reviews

February 9, 2024

Brilliant. Love the Private series.

Sundria (Sundi) McCormick

216 reviews1 follower

March 5, 2024

Great mystery. May have to read more of this series. Thanks, LL!


Thea Marquetta

123 reviews1 follower

March 7, 2024

I'm not sure how this series got passed me cause I'm usually up on all things JP. So I didn’t even realize this was book 16 in the series. Now I have to go back and start at the beginning.

Private Rogue (Private, #16) (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.